Nicole offers a full spectrum of services, including Practical Care Management, Specialized End-Of-Life Care Planning, Pediatric End-of-Life Care, Dementia Diagnosis Support, Guided Meditation, Ritual/Ceremony during vigil and after-death care, Home Funeral Facilitator, Funeral Home Consultant/Final Disposition Education, Officiant, Grief Tender, MAID (Medical Aid In Dying) support, education, and advocacy, including VSED (Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking) support. She is a Heart Math and Comfort Touch Practitioner. Nicole values her devotion to continuous end-of-life education and training while merging the wisdom she embodies through her depth of experience serving individuals and their loved ones.

End-of-Life Care begins at any stage with one-on-one scheduled visits or visits that include family, friends, and caregivers; together, we build authentic and trusted relationships. We begin by creating a strong framework, verifying all the proper documents, protocols, schedules, and supplies are in place. A strong framework allows for meaningful conversations to take place which creates a solid foundation to work from as we discover your end-of-life values and wishes.

Often, people find it challenging to initiate or facilitate deep, meaningful conversations with their loved ones and discover that creating the opportunity to connect or engage intimately can be regretfully difficult. As caregivers tend to the often demanding and exhausting practical care of their loved one, little energy is left to meet the needs of the emotional and spiritual domains during this tender time. By way of intentional conversations, we have the capacity to co-create your ideal End-of-Life Care Plan, inviting the possibility of deep connection, empowerment, peace, and grace to arrive even when suffering is present. I am skilled at gently orchestrating these conversations so that before, during, and after death, you are holistically cared for and supported as you wish. An End-of-Life Care Plan prioritizes end-of-life wishes by determining your heartfelt desires in the physical, spiritual, practical, emotional, and mental domains of your life.

When there are days or hours until death arrives, I gather information from loved ones, listening deeply to the details of their concerns and grief. Together, we strengthen the foundation and deepen the sacred nature that is already present, revealing what is possible through connected conversation. Caregiving can be an exhausting, somber, and distressing time for those giving care. I support the longing to create sacred space when loved ones aren't sure how to begin, the dying process is unfamiliar, the heart is deeply grieving, and most of the focus is on practical care. I support the dying person as they turn inward, often non-verbally, as the soul prepares to cross the threshold from living to dying. With heartfelt intention, a rich container imbued with honor, meaning, and love is palpable. Upon my arrival, helplessness, loneliness, and confusion often fill the room. With gentle guidance before, during, and after death, we create an environment that enhances the love and connection already present, even in the face of suffering.

Visits occur at home, the hospital, or nursing/assisted living facility. I offer non-denominational spiritual support and believe it is an honor to work alongside caregivers, hospice, clergy, chaplains, doctors, nurses, CNAs, and funeral directors as a consistent guide and direct advocate for the dying individual and their family.

Offerings to choose from in support of End-of-Life Care:

Comfort Touch (whole-body gentle acupressure), HeartMath (physiological coherence), intuitive discernment, breath work, light massage, altar creation, mandala creation, aromatherapy, meditation, quiet presence, poetry readings, prayer, guided imagery, and music can help decrease anxiety and pain.

Create customized ritual and ceremony together that acknowledge transitions and encourage meaningful conversations while creating supportive space for authentic expressions of grief. Ritual and ceremony bring meaning and honor to our lives, assist in shifting emotional energy, and increase our connection to one another, to spirit, to the divine, God, mountains, emptiness, the stars, or whatever is your truth as you cross many thresholds, small and large, before, during, and after death.

Advocacy as needed for attending appointments (with family members), as a liaison for hospice, nursing/assisted living staff, etc.

MAID/VSED: Training/Experience in Medical Aid In Dying and Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking education, support, implementation, coordination.

Life Review: creatively document your life history.

Legacy: cultivate stories and messages you want to leave behind for loved ones.

Comfort Touch (whole-body gentle acupressure) and HeartMath (physiological coherence) for loved ones/caregivers, offering nervous system relief by bringing emotional, physical, and mental systems into coherent alignment.

Create an after-death care plan that feels right to you and supports your loved ones. It can include respectful and sacred body washing, anointing ritual, lying-in-honor, visitation, vigil, and home funeral.

Respite for the caregiver/family, making their self-care and rest possible.

The following are options to include in your personal End-of-Life Care Plan when Active Dying begins:

Vigil Plan (active dying): In reverence of this liminal and introspective space, I offer companionship, support, intuitive discernment, and guidance to the dying person and their loved ones, assuring that the Vigil Plan is followed. Options include but are not limited to sitting in silent honor of you, Comfort Touch, HeartMath, music, aromatherapy, reading prayers/poems, and implementation of planned ritual and ceremony during the last several hours or days of your life. I am the anchor for your loved ones as they continue to honor and care for you, allowing them to be fully present to your needs.

Home Funeral Guide: Care from time of death through final disposition.

After-Death Care Plan: I guide and support your loved ones in the moments after your last breath, according to your End-of-Life Care Plan, after thoroughly reviewing After-Death Care choices with you. We say farewell in deep reverence for the sacred space that naturally occurs at this time. Loved ones freely and fully express their grief in unique ways as emotions arrive; I respectfully support and anchor the feelings expressed by offering a steady and sturdy presence while your loved ones grieve.

After the initial threshold of expressing grief has been crossed following your death, we implement ritual and ceremony in honor of you. As a ritualist/ceremonialist, I reverently guide your loved ones, deeply honoring and blessing you by way of sacred body washing, anointing, prayer, dressing/shrouding, and, if it applies- casketing. Together, we close sacred space in honor of your life and death.

Home Funeral Guide: I facilitate and organize your in-home, lying-in honor/visitation/vigil according to your End-of-Life Care Plan. As a guide, facilitator, and educator, I support your loved ones and your community while empowering them to honor you at home for several hours to several days after death. This sacred and tender time allows your loved ones and community to acknowledge your death and say farewell while validating and sharing their grief.

Disposition/Ritualist/Ceremonialist: Education regarding eco-friendly forms of disposition outside of traditional burial and fire cremation. I am a liaison between you, your loved ones, and the funeral home, including cemetery staff (if applicable). After spending days, weeks, or months with you and your loved ones, an established and trusted relationship has developed. The next natural step as a ritualist/ceremonialist is to honorably deliver a highly personalized ceremony at the graveside, during witnessed cremation, or a laying-in ceremony (body composting).

Grief Support: After-death grief support, sharing, and ritual/ceremony. In the first few weeks after a death, I meet with your loved ones to process emotions and experiences. Sharing in this way helps shift the grief that is carried in the hearts of your loved ones.

Note: All the above are endless possibilities and options. We create a plan that aligns with your personal beliefs, comfort, values, and wishes. Sometimes what is needed is simply holding a hand in silence and nothing else.