“There is no death, only a change in worlds” Chief Seattle

  • I am so grateful for Nicole and her ability to tune into my grief and help me through it. She spent so much time with me to get a sense of who my husband was and what my wishes were. She guided me and a small group of friends through the laying out ceremony of my husband’s soil after terramation. I agree with several of my friends who said they have never experienced anything so beautiful and moving. She had the perfect words and poems and ideas. What I loved the most was her creativity in having us make a mandala of the soil and collecting all sorts of items from our land to create this beautiful work of art. And knowing that my husband is now resting on the land he so dearly loved and tended to makes me happy. I highly recommend Nicole for anyone looking for a beautiful, caring and compassionate guide for end of life and beyond. Thank you Nicole! Nancy Linsley

  • To say that Nicole helped us navigate our father and husband’s rapid deterioration and death from ALS would be a huge understatement.
    Our family cannot speak highly enough of Nicole and the service that she provides. No one wants to go through the untimely death of a loved one, but quite simply, Nicole made the unbearable bearable.
    She was a consummate professional… Consistently and unwaveringly empathic, knowledgable, intuitive, sensitive to our needs and beliefs, calming and guiding. We would not have wanted to go through this experience without her.
    With hindsight, as we navigate a brave new world and our places in it without him, I really believe that allowing Nicole to guide us through the process has softened our grief and meant that it now feels less complicated with fewer regrets and nothing left unsaid. This is invaluable. We will all be forever grateful. The Steinmo-Kungel family

  • My first understanding of Nicole's important practice was after she cared for our dear friend and his family during his passing. I could tell that someone was helping this wonderful family honor their dad/husband while they were so obviously grieving. I wanted the same for my mother. When my mother began to transition, I called on Nicole. She came and talked with me and my sisters about how sacred the final days, hours, and minutes are with your loved one. How they can still sense and hear what is going on around them. She helped us create a serene space in her apartment. Many friends and family were able to visit and say their goodbyes. Nicole gave us great readings and prayers to read aloud to my mom. We played the music she loved and filled her room with flowers. Nicole prepared us for the last moments and helped us to remember to take our time with our mom's body after she passed. With Nicole there, I was able to let go of being the "caregiver" and focus on just being a daughter. None of this would have been possible, without Nicole's presence there. Those last moments were so sad, but beautiful. I will never forget it. Diane Szarkowski

  • It is difficult to overstate the impact that Nicole had on our entire family through the process of MAID this past June. ALS is a cruel disease and my wife battled it for years, but finally came to the decision that her battle was over. Nicole worked with myself, my wife and our kids to face this reality together in a highly authentic and spiritual way. As difficult as it was, with Nicole’s coaching and support, we let beauty and grace into that time and held ourselves open during the entire process. Nicole counseled us to not rush this process and allow time to be thoughtfully present throughout it. Our entire immediate family, ten of us in total, participated by sharing stories, reading poems and surrounding my wife with love. As hard as the time was, each of us left feeling some closure and a stronger connection to my wife and each other. Nicole was central to all of this. She has a true gift and we recommend her wholeheartedly. David Zodikoff

  • Nicole came into our lives for a brief period of time before my mom passed.  Although our time with Nicole was not long we all developed a deep connection with her as she lead us through my mom's death.  My mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December of 2024 and decided to terminate her life using MAID (medical aid in dying), as she did not want to suffer any longer.  Nicole was an integral part of helping us navigate the process for MAID.  She also helped my family initiate beautiful ceremonies that my mom was able to be a part of to say our goodbyes.  Although my mom's death is the hardest thing I've ever gone through, I am forever thankful to Nicole for making it a beautiful, meaningful experience that I will treasure forever. Britney Kanan

  • We are all missing my mom and wishing she was still here with us - and we are doing well in navigating our loss after being intentional in her end-of-life care and taking time to grieve and be with our mom after her death. There has been an amazing lack of regret (which can be such torture in grief), and I'm so grateful we had Nicole’s support and guidance in making that happen. I've read a lot of books about what might be possible in death, the kinds of passing that are possible if we tend to death, and I am so, so grateful we were able to make that possible for my mom and experience it with her with Nicole walking alongside us. Thank you for all that you do and make possible for people. Not to mention all the many, many moments of questions, confusion, and logistics that you make easier for families to navigate. As my mom might have said from her Catholic religion, and something I believe in a way that transcends religion - you're doing God's work. We are so grateful. Hamilton Family

  • I write this to you with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation. Each time I reflect on the moment you answered the phone, my heart sings with joy.
    We were undoubtedly blessed; your clarity and energetic presence helped get our beloved cared for within hours of his death. Your reverent care of his body, your attention to every detail and inclusion of my requests, and your care for the living and the dying are beyond measure. Your ability to hold a deep presence was palpable at every step.
    I feel immense gratitude that you could meet family members, each with their own mixture of beliefs, so adeptly that they felt at complete ease. They have expressed to me how you were able to make everyone feel comfortable, even with a vigil that was quite out of the norm for them. What a beautiful gift!
    Know, too, that I send a blessing your way each time I think of you, which is often with an abundance of love! Kate M

  • Thank you so much for your kindness and support for our family during such a difficult time; we felt cared for and heard throughout our process. While the experience of losing our mom has been so hard, it's been helpful to have your experience guiding the way. Brittany B

  • I really don’t have words to convey the depth of appreciation I have, and my family has, for the many levels of support and comfort you gave Sally and that you gave each of us during her final days. This has been the most difficult period of my life by far. 

    I could never image my life without her. We were best of friends and loved raising our two very wonderful children together. Your kindness and expertise helped us all provide Sally with the love and support she wanted as she was transitioning. Not only did she feel comforted and connected to you, but each of us felt the same comfort and connection. 

    In addition to helping us let her go, your support and facilitation of the Celebration of Life after she died was phenomenal. The ceremony was one that everyone we talked to afterwards said was outstanding. Your facilitation really created a wonderful way to celebrate this very wonderful woman’s life and will always be cherished by me and my family. 

    I really don’t know how we would have made it without you Nicole. You touched each of our hearts in a very deep and profound way at a time when all of our hearts were breaking. You are truly an angel sent to us to help us all make it through this passage and see some light at the end of this extremely difficult passage.

    I hope everyone is as fortunate as we were to have found such a wonderful guide to help us with this transition for all of us. Ted B-P

  • As I fall back into my own town, life, and bed, I constantly return to these past weeks. Your knowledge, guidance, and gentle leadership were the lonestar so easily followed, so expertly shining out to us all. I felt frozen, as a deer in headlights - you turned the headlights into a north star, a shining moon, illuminating the way. I hold such deep thanks and sincerest respect. L.I.

  • Nicole helped create a space for my Mom to pass in a special, beautiful, dignified way. She helped me, as my Mom's primary caretaker, with the tactical skills needed to care for someone at the end of their life, in addition to resources and information about what needs to be done after their last breath. But, more importantly, she was a spiritual advocate and guide for my whole family. She created a sacred, divine space for us to find peace during the most heartbreaking loss of my life. Nicole was a true angel for my whole family and will forever remain close in our hearts for what she did. Nicole D

  • My family worked with Nicole throughout my Mom’s dying process, and I am immensely grateful for the support she provided.

    Nicole's practical knowledge of dying was pivotal. She was able to help us identify where my Mom was in the process and provided so many useful suggestions to increase her safety and comfort. From the nitty-gritty of using a mouth spray to how to provide Comfort Touch, my Mom was well tended to when we started working with Nicole. She also helped us navigate the exhaustion of caregiving and how to tend to ourselves during a hugely painful and stressful time. Once my Mom died, she helped us tend to her body in our family’s way and then held the many confusing logistics that followed, including funeral homes, obituaries, etc. 

    Nicole also brought deep skill in tending to our hearts and souls. Her wisdom in grief is far-reaching. She brought presence and respect, creating deep trust as we shared this tender time. She deeply respected my Mom's style in facing death, and because of this created an immediate connection with her. She normalized family member's different experiences of grief, which created more connection and health between us. She created beautiful rituals throughout the process of my Mom dying and once she died. She even helped create and facilitate my Mom’s Celebration of Life! It was a magical day, and we have had many reflections from our community about the power in the way Nicole held it. 

    Nicole's availability was also a huge resource. She answered questions at all hours during active dying and continued to check in with us during many stages of the dying process. Her support allowed us to exhale as much as we could during intense moments. 

    While the grief of losing my Mom is immense, her dying process was incredibly beautiful and life-changing. It holds many of the keys to what I am hoping for in my dying process. Much of which includes the gifts that Nicole brings to dying and grief. Ritual, connection, presence, honesty, practical knowledge, soulful recognition, honest emotion, community, handouts, resources, vulnerability of the heart, magic, poems, many, many layers of support…

    If you have a sense that there is a different way to navigate dying than what is modeled by mainstream U.S. culture, I recommend reaching out to Nicole. She reminded me of something that feels ancient. A way of honoring death and grief in a way that is ultimately life-giving. My wish is that this support in dying is available to anyone who wants it. From here, I truly believe the world as we know it will change. I am unexplainably grateful to you, Nicole. Thank you for holding me in one of the biggest moments of my life with such wild wisdom.
    Chloe B-P

  • Nicole Matarazzo helped us through my husband Cameron's MAID process. She was exceptionally sensitive to our needs and guided our family through this difficult transition. When your husband is at the end of his life, it is not easy to think of everything that needs to be done. She sat with us through our emotions, helped us understand the process and what to expect, and guided us through the practical details that needed our attention.

    Anyone would feel comfortable in Nicole's presence. She definitely has a gift for this work, and I couldn't recommend her highly enough. I am extremely grateful for her insight and compassion that walked us through this most challenging time with grace. Kristina Powers

  • Your love, support, and unwavering commitment to helping my family traverse the varied paths of our love for our brother, offering him dignity and care to his last breath. I have immeasurable gratitude to you. R.I.

  • We are grateful for the support and care Nicole offered us in honor of my mother during this life-altering juncture in our family. We felt held, heard, and seen by her in the most present, loving, and skilled ways. We were thrilled to have her shepherd and guide us through this phase of such an important journey. DiRito Family

  • Thank you for all your support. Thank you for holding space for each member of our family. Thank you for writing such a beautiful eulogy. Your kindness and words will always be remembered. A.S.

  • I recently engaged Nicole Matarazzo to serve as a death doula to support my mother's plan for medical aid in dying. This truly was a journey for us all, and Nicole played an essential guiding role. She assisted with everything from practical logistics to emotional guidance and concerns for family dynamics.

    Nicole is deeply experienced, compassionate, kind, organized, and meticulous. Her experience with MAiD was invaluable as she coached me on how to set up a comfortable space for mom in my home, explained which supplies to get, listed who I should contact, etc. She explained the process, described what we should expect, and helped us feel more comfortable and confident.   

    Nicole's compassion and kindness were evident in her interaction with my mother. Her listening skills are superb; she really "heard" what my mom had to say, got to know her as a person, and very respectfully honored mom's every wish. Her experience was also invaluable to me, as she functioned as a personal assistant, supplying me with organized to-do lists and reminder phone calls. She also made critical calls on our behalf, even connecting us with needed organizations (a local hospice) and people (an experienced pharmacist).

    Nicole was with us for many hours, supporting and holding space for us all on the day that mom drank her "final cocktail." At this intense time filled with many varied emotions, her steady, loving guidance was beyond value. Her help made it possible for me to be fully present for my mom and support her final wishes with complete focus.

    I wholeheartedly recommend Nicole Matarazzo and her highly skilled services as a death doula to anyone navigating end-of-life situations here in Colorado. Janet Bailey

  • Your service was amongst the most beautiful experiences in memory, and I’m so thankful for the wisdom and compassion that surrounded us. Your personal, calm, understanding, and gentle patience have helped make bearable the utter heartbreak I feel at having to say goodbye to the beautiful young man I have loved since before his first breath. Looking to the stars at night is among the greatest comforts. W.S.

  • Working with Nicole during the last year of my father’s life was a remarkable experience. Through her sensitivity, intuition and empathy with the unique needs of those at the end of life, she connected with my father in a way we could not.  She gently guided him through unexpected self-discovery, emotional introspection, and meaningful story-telling, affirming his family bonds and the significance of his achievements in the world. She accomplished this despite the presence of dementia and severe physical handicaps, stepping into his world and exploring a lifetime.  Her insightful and complete communications to family members kept us all informed and astonished by the nature of her work, bringing to the surface Dad’s emotions and desires, supporting him and by extension, us, as he struggled with his failing body and mind.  Her steadfast nature contributed to Dad’s well-being by communicating firmly with nursing staff as to his needs, educating them, protecting him against unnecessary intrusions, and standing in as his advocate when we were not there.  As we approached his final days and hours, she was on call 24/7, and when the facility could not reach me, she came to be by his side in the wee hours of the morning until I arrived.

    As a result of her work with our family, our experience of loss and grief was entirely different than we expected.  We are left with peace and gratitude, rather than the deep unrelenting grief and sorrow that I’ve seen in other families.  Completing my father’s passage together, Nicole opened our eyes to what is truly possible in the final months of life both for those moving to the next world, and we who remain here.  The transcendent nature of this experience is something we never could have imagined and for which we are eternally grateful. The Hallock Family

  • Nicole assisted my family through my mother’s end of life. Nicole’s ability to navigate the logistics, the emotions, the spiritual and the family dynamics while providing comfort to my mother was the greatest gift. My whole family was grateful to Nicole’s compassion and kindness as well as her depth of knowledge – I would recommend her without hesitation and with the greatest praise. May no family have to walk this path alone and unguided – bring in Nicole to show you the way! Tina Scala

  • Nicole was a “guide for the unknowable” in one of the most vulnerable periods of my life, the loss of my mother. To have Nicole’s knowledge, compassion and spiritual wisdom supporting me as I navigated this complex and unspoken landscape - the dying process – was beyond a blessing. Each step along the way, Nicole helped me understand what was happening and what my beloved mother needed so that I could best help and honor her. In particular, I was the person on the “front line” in my mother’s final weeks and hours, and Nicole’s words guided my journey. Whether it was a bewildering time or a beautiful time, Nicole gave me peace that I gave my mother all that I wanted her to have. I thank you, Nicole, with everything in me. Lois Bruu

  • Nicole Matarazzo was introduced to me when our daughter Kirsten was preparing to die from cancer. I had never heard of a death doula before Kirsten and her husband hired Nicole to help guide them through the process. She felt like a kindred spirit. She brought clarity, tenderness and guidance to an otherwise impossible situation. She has a calming, spiritual nature that respects how heartbreaking death is for a family. She took time to meet with all of us individually and give us guidance in so many areas while expressing empathy for the tragedy we were facing.

    We were able to have truly intentional conversations with Kirsten in groups and individually as we prepared for her death. We talked openly about how Kirsten wanted her final days to play out. Nicole taught us about the importance of creating a space of beauty, peace and love for Kirsten to spend her final weeks. She prepared us for what those final days would look like.

    In the weeks prior to Kirsten’s death, we were able to spend many beautiful hours together enjoying music, sunlight filtering into her room and most importantly, tender and poignant conversations. Kirsten was able to courageously face her death with Nicole’s help. In her final months, Kirsten wrote a book entitled Incurable and she said:

    “I am determined to share my story here to show that it’s possible to welcome the sacred, spiritual time that is the end of life by finding peace in acceptance of the inevitable which means digging down for the courage and self honesty to face it head on.”

    Nicole was in the room with us when Kirsten took her final breaths. She was a calm, spiritual presence at this very sacred and tragic time. Following Kirsten’s wishes we cared for her body and prepared it for cremation in a sacred washing and anointing ceremony. It was a deeply moving and beautiful way to respect Kirsten’s life and body before she was taken away.

    Nicole’s guidance before and after Kirsten’s death was invaluable. She is deeply insightful, respectful, tender and knowledgeable. We consider her family after what we experienced together. Nicole also followed up with us as a family after Kirsten’s death. We had tender conversations and she made sure we had the space to talk about our emotions and experiences.

    I am so grateful to lovely Nicole for guiding our family through the death of our beautiful daughter. She made an absolutely heartbreaking situation bearable with her insight and guidance. Hege Farnsworth

  • Thank you for your presence with us at Jay’s passing. You truly have a gift for helping at this critical time in one’s life. Mickie Newman

  • When my wife entered hospice at 32 years old with cancer, we started to look for an end-of-life-doula. We didn’t know what to expect at first, but quickly became glad and relieved to have found Nicole. She guided us through the spiritual, medical, and social challenges in front of us. Every time we met with Nicole, we came away feeling both more peaceful and more informed about the types of choices we might need to make. She was kind and respectful. Thanks to this kind of help, my wife used her own values to identify how we could make our space sacred in this important time. I would work again with Nicole, no question. Dan Kuester

  • Nicole has a presence and awareness that is beautifully soothing and grounding. I am in awe of her intuitiveness around supporting the dying person and their family, and would confidently refer those experiencing the dying process to her for her guidance. Susan Mackey - Out of the Box End of Life Planning

  • I first me Nicole on one of the last few trips I made to visit my dying younger sister, Kirsten. I had never before heard of an End of Life Doula- and yet, when my sister first introduced me to the concept a few months prior as something she was considering looking into, the concept was one that immediately made perfect sense to me. Just like many women seek out the support of a birthing doula as they prepare to welcome life into the world it only seemed fitting for there to be the need for a similar role at end of life – someone who knows from experience what to expect, how to guide and direct, comfort, validate, and empower an individual and their family at such an important crossroads.

    I am so thankful my sister wisely sought out this kind of support and that our entire family benefited from Nicole’s gentle, compassionate, and loving approach. She gently encouraged us to have important conversations, be intentional with our time together, as well as create a beautiful comfortable environment for my sister in her final days.

    There will always be grief and sadness surrounding the death of my younger sister. However, largely because of Nicole’s influence, I know our whole family can reflect on my sister’s last weeks as being profoundly spiritual, cathartic, full of love, and deeply connected. When my sister passed, she helped to gently guide us through each step in preparing her body, saying our final goodbyes, and was the perfect balance of being present as well as giving us the appropriate space. Her presence was calming and intuitive, confident yet gentle and patient, as well as spiritual. In the weeks and months that followed she continued to check in and see how we were doing.

    After having so many profound experiences with her, I consider Nicole a dear confidant and I will forever be thankful she entered our life in a time when we most needed her support.

    I have since made every effort to educate others on what an end of life doula is and hope that everyone can see how these services are more than helpful, they are necessary. We shouldn’t have to fumble along on our own in these times of emotional and physical and spiritual stress. Nicole was exactly what my sister and our family needed, and I will forever be thankful for her influence at such a critical time. Katrina Crosby

  • Nicole is an extraordinarily present and able end of life guide. Her gifts transform families’ experiences. Karen Van Vuuren - The Natural Funeral

  • We started to work with a doula named Nicole. She helps to hold a peaceful environment here and respects that this place at this time is sacred. She talks calmly and is a relaxing presence when she is here. She offers insight into what we will soon face, so we can plan for it. We start to think about what we can plan about this experience and how I want my body to be cared for afterward. She will help to organize people when that time comes to make this a little easier. What a relief. Kirsten Farnsworth Incurable pg 152

  • Nicole has compassionate, confident presence and is whole heartedly committed to her life’s service and work. BJ Brown - Wolf Heals Shamanic Service